Saturday, August 19, 2017

Singing spring

"Song inspired by the moment's atmosphere
Now that trees and bushes are getting their leaves, instead of Eurovision song contest, I feel that the nature would somehow long for humans too to sing, maybe like this, a little bit like on the summer cottage or an freely organized choir or singing at home, like feels to suit the moment.
29.4.2017 A singing skill from a few years ago came to my mind today morning, when grass was most places already green, sun was shining, birds sang and the green plants on my window created a feel of green, there was like the summer time a haze like atmosphere in the air. So with that atmosphere came to my mind a tune that I roughly knew, or something in the direction, so I sang it in a way that emphasized the fascination of the atmosphere, like doves or yodling(?) of the Alps or composing, creating sound like the atmosphere, not according to rigid forms but singing especially the parts that are musical, emphasizing the atmoshphere tones, like assembling from pieces of different strenght, somehow a very natural song and atmospheric, a little bit like what a composer seeks for with his/her tune: a moment with such an atmosphere but richer one, and then singing it naturally, not la-la-laa or the like as if from notes but instead from the places that the atmosphere touches oneself, one is fascinated by such an experience, but somehow on a general level and not a murmur of personal life.
This singing skill comes from trying to learn wider expression to be able to sing emotionally like this or a song like that or with a clear atmosphere, impressively or whatever, many kinds of colours in voice, many ways to approach song as one oneself is naturally, since there are moments in life, spirits and many different songs. So when one then picks from that spectrum according to the moment, but somewhat like song being partly carried away by the wind, not of even strenght, one manages to describe the atmosphere tones of the moment, not only in tones of voice but also with singing skills, somehow naturally.

9.5.2017   Is singing spring one big idea in having Eurovisionsong contest in the spring? Here one could learn that skill of singing spring. It is good to have skilled models, but everybody singing sring in their own circles is the point.
I have written about living wisely the seasons in Finland (fromover +30C summer time hot days to some -30C winter timeä's coldest mornings) at

(19.6.2017   When I was younger, someone was said to have claimed that if Finns would agree, Eurovision song contest victory would always come to Finland, or at least Eurovision song contest would be always kept in Finland if Finns would agree, but Finns typically think that it would be good to keep Eurovision song contest in varying countries. We Finns have a culture which values greatly healthy natural ages old ways of living and has wisdom about them and a traditional culture that lays much weight on them. Such ways of living make life sing, musical in atmosphere tones and feelings. I wrote some 260 advices about healthy natural ways of living (in Finnish ) and translated this far some 110 of them to English . Aren't these much a reason to keep Eurovision song contests in Finland?But would Finns then want to have also a "World Vision Song Fair" or something like that? A deeply moral, globally conscious one, I mean. But would it bring too many travellers? In Finland it is difficult to copy spring time things from warmer countries, but life in cold is tougher, so it demands more skills and makes propably things easier for foreigners watching it in tv.
But there have been problems with the Eurovision representative competition in Finland, but are those a consequence of alowing Swedish style, for example Swedish speaking Finnish style and their lack of moral, instead of demanding the song to be Finnish that means Finnish speaking Finnish main culture of Finland.)"

A quotation of a translation in my Finnish blog

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"Through the world we wander singing"

  "  " A traditional Finnish Christmas song Maa on niin kaunis, "The country is so beautiful"