"When I was younger, I was interested inlearning talents and skills on my own and by copying, and of poems. From these I learned about the effect of one's perspective to one's observations and how that brings skills and talentedness: in the observations certain things get emphasized, like in some poet's poems or in what life skills some fine paintings communicate. Of poems one learns that one can wander in the landscape inone's own style, seeing the landscape in one's own way, even if it's main features were the same as on others. Likewise one learns of poems that one can learn perspectives of others, and via tem their skills in life and their talents. So one can see the forest landscape too in many ways, and some of them are very beautiful and wise, and others just reflect the daily life of the viewer or some big factor of the viewer's life. On a wilderness guide course I once learned to look at trees so that they were very magnifient looking and I guess that with wisdom of life too. That was when there had just been mentioned the wilderness guides of the Finnish Lappland. So I cultivated that and learned via months' and years' practise to see trees as so magnifient looking. Later in Savonlinna town I had a painting hobby and as I searched for good subjects to paint, I paid attention to different perspectives, to atmospheres in a forest patch, to their wisdom of life and to the sphere of life of littele singing birds in my lviing environment. So I learned that one can approach the visual side and atmosphere of the forest patch in many ways and see the forest pacth as an echo to one's approach, and if one wanders behind someone or sees someone as one wanders, one has for a small while some atmosphere of him/her in one's environment. But when I have had my dogs as a hobby, my dogs have seemed to think that the nature catches some idea which is in the air. That humans are a big power factor in the animal's lives, very convincing in their thinking and high age in the eyes of a puppy or other young animal. A puppy or other young animal as if dives to the worlds of older humans and older animals, and so has a varying level of wisdom or stupidity, and only accross time assembles from those a view according to one's character and values a spectrum of what one wouldlike to be like as an individual. And so think my dogs too that the young worms etc choose theoir own colour and if somewhere humans value certain coloured insects, such insects come to see them, like earlier when near our home there was a meadow and quite near lived a young girl in the first classes of school, so in the garden came near to me a green fascinating looking insect somewhat like a dragon ins tyle. I do not know, but when I was thinking of the weathers, do they feel different for different people, are they different, can the nature so be different too, that an individual can by choosing a different road in life, different approach and values find a different relationship to the nature and a view to places near to one's home? When I last autumn read the Beginning of the Finnish national ephos (collection of old poems transmitted from mouth to mouth, mythical stories) Kalevala, it created a completely different view to the trees outside my window, much more fasconationg, and so I choose those places to look from to be my usual ones, for me too keep some of that fascination in my daily life."
"(Translated from my blog http://tunteetjatekemisentapa.blogspot.fi)
Translations of my own texts, from Finland in North-East Europe. Well, not actually tales but fact texts whose fascination is similar to that of tales, kind of in flight at some places, in some points that is, yet realistically possible and that is a part of the fascination.
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