Saturday, August 19, 2017

How young birds learn to fly

"A young birds which already has good wings, learns best to fly if it looks at a tree instead of build things, when it thinks of flying. Looking at build things makes one feel not skilled enough and brings only a little skills. While admiring the fascination of a tree opens one's view to complex, wise, ages old, atmospheric fascinating, a path of superior skill. Looking at several trees at the same time does not bring it, not so strongly at least, instead one should conceive the cahrm of a single tree, that richness, that way of life that the tree guides to. Often it is just one magnifient branch at a time or the throwing of the top into the sky which guides to joyful action, which already has a sparkle of superior skill. Like  this a young bird can already at one's first flight, fly to a branch of a neighbouring tree, from there to another branch and then back to nest, and is so in a way already fully learned, says little bird mother.
The usefulness of a tree for skills comes from it being complex, from the cisual and atmospheric beauty which presses the picture into the mind, makes it a model of skill and ways of doing. A tree is a model of a healthy whole, it is such for birds, buzzling insects and humans. The young birds which looked at a tree when they thought of flying, fly emotionally beautifully, like skills were easy for them and life flowing, protected by wisdom. Likewise I think that human skills benefit from learning the atmospheric beauty of trees, one grows from engineering knowledge to ordinary skills and common sense, from them to skillfullness, to the ages old soldier's superior skills and to art: to the natural language of the elements of bigger skills.

(Could growing feathers connect to, in addition to skills, also protecting oneself well, somehow like music?)"

Translation from my blog

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"Through the world we wander singing"

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