Saturday, August 19, 2017

Happiness, ways of doing and living environment

"A stick there catching fire
shines for a moment, gets extinguished in the river.
Love dies also sometimes too,
only a memory is left in life's handiwork."
says a song.
I was left pondering that experiencing so rtongly and wit so healthy spirit life is rich and happy, somehow full. But it has the work of a log floater on a river with the nature as it's environment, natural physical work, company, meaningfullness from the point of view of lives in practise, demanding skill but not with a forced rythm. Earlier I used to think that such is born only countryside or at a summer cottage, maybe wandering ina forest trip. But after I have moved to live in a counryside town, I have gotten the impression that a farmer is somehow melancholic and in town it is somehow full, the antuer too present and practical professions as people's jobs. Could it be that one cannot reach the ideal fully countryside but somewhere where there is both nature and humand and lots of things to do? It is important for the things done to have anatural rythm and such asks for both a natural work and possibilities for choices. The feeling of fullness connects with fractureless wholes and to being according to the human nature, which demands among other tyings action with healthy spirit, meaningful things to do for each one inone's own ways, not acting one's way but isntead in ways that work out well for oneself, according to one's motivation and one's dreams, in ways that one likes and not for acting out. It is essential to reach the phenomena in life in their natural basic form that touches the human nature, but it maybe isn't when driving a tractor but instead in cooperation work of a group, by grandparents, on a summer cottage, on a wooden one-family house, in hobbies, in connection with motiuon and nature. A pet seems tocultivate these like a collector, a wild animal finds them fromone's own life inpractise. It has often been nice in work if one does in practise something nice and then work or civilized ways or some other outside factor like for example summer or nature or the good feeling brought by motion and healthy ways of living fills them to a whole somehow finely. And that life or that day is not left there but continues onwards like a twinding path, the view is not restricted but instead possibilities in life increase and skills to a lot. But that it would demand more people, more things to do, nature, motion, meaningfullness.

On a summer cottage the things done are often more pleasant than in town. If one for example brushes the cottage's floor to smallen the numder of pine needles on the ground there, the needless are beautiful, varied, quite unlike town's trashes and dirt. But I used to have a floor with a beautifult hin woolen layer of pine on top of itin town, and it wa sreally impressive looking, and it was nice to brush and keep clean, not at all as work like as cleaning a plastic floor. Are many things in town, like cleaning for example, adjusted wrong way so that they are a burden upon people. If one would adjust some other way, for example the putting thinsg nicely at home, and some things in the environemnt like a beautiful wooden floor, pleasantly, would things in towns be lighter to bear and life better? What one should change and how? Is it a question of the place one lives in? Here in Savonlinna town people know practical things well and fine style well, but in teh capital people were better with healthy ways of living and freedom."

A translation from my blog

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"Through the world we wander singing"

  "  " A traditional Finnish Christmas song Maa on niin kaunis, "The country is so beautiful"