Monday, July 29, 2024

My books

 29th of July 2024   Build yourself a paradise, a paradise like way of life, paradise theory and wisdom of life, lots of free advices, rewarding books to read, see which ought to lead to 

Monday, July 1, 2024

The charm of capercaillie * Metson pyrstö

 From my blog 

"  I have wondered since when have things in my lufe, in Finland and in the workd seemed to go more toward death. I do not know but I once in Savonlinna painted from a photogeapf of a fine mostly black or blackish bit Finnish bird with a fine round kind of emotionally nice looking tail, a picture of it over 6 years later, I do not remember when. The painting went nicely detaikedly but somehow the tail went narrow like tgat of a female bird, saying that the male bird in the picture had dued already earlier. So I think that that was somehow some turning point, since I haven't seen so msny fine wild animals so near, at least not so big ones and in the nature. 

"G27.   2nd of February 2021    Over ten years ago I had just started on a wilderness guide course in Nuuksio national park and recreational lake&forest district, when I on my free time went for a walk in the forest and immediately saw a capercaillie? ("metso"), a huge mainly black bird that has a fan like emotionally wise looking tale, ona branch in it's spring dating ways.


A few days later I was walking in the forest near a lake when I saw a huge human sized eagle fly near by and it seemed to land somewhere near, but I got afraud and after that I did not see such animals at all. It seems that if one invests strongly in something that one loves and it is just fascination and nothing artiuficial, not acted, one can meet such in others too, like for example loving the wildlife and nature. Years ago I started a karate hobby after another Japanse martial art, and I wanted to invest in it, do  it in a good way, do something seriously, and so I found such a club AND JUST LOVED IT, it was kind of as in a flight, but then later when my mom was convinced that just the club was special, I lost my good touch with it and soon lost the hobby too. Nawadays my poodle Banjo has had good subjects for blogging, kind of hobby, and today morning I looked out of the window here in Espoo where I have lived now for a week, and there was a dark figure like a big dog galloping slowly at an angle across the street, and my poodle said of the style that it was a wolf, and it seemed to be interested in my poodle'shobby. "D (1/8 note), D&F (half note), G (1/4), A (1/2), E (1/4), D (1/2), E&G (1/2), A (1/8), G (1/2), E (1/8), D (1/4) and E&G (1/2)."

But somehow, when I once some years ago saw in the news a picture of a new much increased species by the sea cost, cormorant. It was called as if a sea version of the fibe caoercsillue, was it my pets saying that I coukd teach them the fine tail of capercaillie. Today I watched such pucture in the news and came to think that if they come hete to the sea coast's small stony islands, they maybe can see the coast cluffs, ghe pine trees on them snd the tall geasses etc on them, and those have some charm, some way of living emphasizing rationality luke the cliffs in connection with the round more lufe like forms of the trees, life there, the round forns of the cluffs etc all having some wisdom of lufe according to feelings. And when you live there, leave tgat ages old wisdom untouched, don't spoil the fracturelessness of the nature. Just experience like weeds in the liw water by the sjore waving by the waves, variations of wind, occasilnal duck type of bird swimming near by, life experience changing from moment to moment, full of densatilbs and colours, 

- as if a human (some impression of some Japanese woman in some Haoanese office or other working place, havibg similar experience of beauty of some view of mine from my younger years when I as a young adult practiced Japanese martial art(s?), and here compared with a view of the above mentioned cool sea cost in daylight ) in town lookibg around and the whole world of a dazzling besuty, volourful spits, sensatilns, beautiful forms, wisdom of different areas of lufe in the air, freedom of young adults, like spirts, weather, new places to go and see but the wisdomvaluable, carrying life possibilitues in the guture too,... -

Living in a way that sees the beauty of life in the livibg, in nature, in a place and culture where the ways of livibg are wise and the challenges set by westhers are of a gwalthy kibd, increasing wisdom, and so one is ki d of charmed of such true good sides, even if obe is just a oasser by or a bird visiting only the stony sea cost small islands for spendibg the summer. Ghe magnifience of the big geese rising to their wings to start autumn migration to southwards soon over the sea. 

"Pieni vesivärilehtiöni on kivan näköinen.

(Joitakin päiviä sitten:)


(ja tänään:)

The blog pist said June 8th 2013.

If the times are no longer so dominated by engineering's point of view as in the 1970's, 1980's and 1990's, could there be also some other colours for the wisdom of feelings than the suspicious black? 

Friday, March 29, 2024

Old times' skills of living in a forest hut

 " In a forest hut, "Time passes, but husband hasn't returned" ( a happy ending via wishing well and high skills ) 

 I watched a music video of Korpiklaani ("forest dwelling men"), called something like A wordless land, which ought to be in the meaning life experience not put to words. It had English lyrics in the video description, but I do not know if the words were the point. They seemed to wonder, had it been possible for anyone to grow wheats here, since the ground and climate did not appear bringing large enough crops for farming. But as far as I know most of the lands in Finland were uninhabited forests, but the more fruitful pieces of land are niwadays typically fields, even though some of them for grasses for animals. There used to be more swamps, but those were dried at some point in history, and the resulting landscape of hills and lakes is much nicer for life. 

But how did people in the old times live in a forest hut? As far as I know thry did some farming and fishing, maybe also had some animsls, but those were mostly for one's own use plus some exchange with neighbours etc. 

The song had also some words, as if spoken quietly thinking by a maybe elderly woman living or spending some part of the year in a forest hut: "Time is passing, but husband hasn't returned (from a walk or from some work in the forest)". So how were such situatilns solved? With one's own wisdom of lufe and supporting the wisdom of life of the environment, both of children, animals, birds, people of the area, even religious connections taken into account, living with grest wisdom of life and good quality, wishing well in the world, lifting the lives to healthy wise far carrying ways which wish well in the world and respect beautiful values and wisdom of life about good ways of doing and individual's life choices' importancy, wishing well and wisely also in the spiritual realms, valuing also animals and their wisdom and social support, the singing birds spreading thr joint effort of the people, animals, spiritual connections, etc wider, respecting beautiful values, lifting also quality high and wisdom of feelings followed, and spreading so good luck, common sense and basic communication. And so helped to wise ways the husband may return and ordinary life continues, caring also for the helpers, making the way of life carry wisely in the long run. Similarly if the husband died or was in an accident, one tries to carry the situation well, wisely from the point of view of feelings and life in the long run, cultivating important values, and so maybe such wisdom helps also in the spiritual realm if one has wise enough helpers, the nature cared wisely enough. And so one can live there. But another type of character would like more people around, less emphazis on skills, and so they would flourish in warmer countries and not here.

So maybe they can live there, because they live in a good way suited to there, good for the world too  and like such life maybe best, it is a good place for them, and even if they die there, it is a good merciful place for them to die in just such a place, and so they just wish well and continue life in good wise ways with healthy spirit. And so it is good that they live there, and so the husband maybe returns unharmed and life just continues. 


30th of March 2024, the Saturday of the Easter week 

Obs. This text is aimed at a global audience, so the situations and skills vary a lot. ( There is a climate skills advice for all climates, which has to be applied to just local conditions, at the blog , see . ) 

The basic thing with the above text is that if you invest in raising your skill level in a way that raises also the skill level of your family etc in your large near environment, for example via birdsong in daylight time, or by atmosphere of sounds of human chores indoors, then those sharing the same view on skills and values, may survive better than they otherwise could have, and so you get more ordinary life like result. But such cooperation works best if you respect the nature and the traditional ways of living of the area. 


 Please observe that Finnish ways of thinking and a quite big part of Finnish wisdom of life are well suited for using inside the civiliced picture of the world, with the help of objective thinking and civiliced values, and so such may be in use all over the world, in very different kinds of places, in even in space and among animals. The Finnish daytime temperatures may vary about 60 degrees of Celcius during the year, so also some Finnish climate advices may be in used in very varied kinds of places. So if some advice in Finland or from Finland appears not-so-Finnish in atmosphere of it's effect, it may be that it is in use in for example South-East Asia, and so you have to take a much more local approach to get it work well. But there is also lots of sabotage, malicious deeds and persons disguised as trustworthy traditional Finnish ones. 



Monday, January 29, 2024

Saying: "Wonderful, miracle like beings!"

 " Like one can walk in the rain, seeing rain drops kind of light dazzling spots all around, the wonder of nature, the atmospheric beauty of walking a few steps in a quite light rain, forgetting for a moment the burdens of social life that one wants to distance one self from. Likewise there is something such in the besuty of nature, the wonderful miracle like beauty and wisdom of life of the living nature. 

Likewise one can look at the younger generation or liked pets or just one's liked hobbies, thinking of the miracle like wonderful possibilities of healthy kind of life in a civiliced society. It is something that one can or in theory could learn from young trees or from young undergrowth plants' atmosphere,  in the air near by their bark, as if rainy weather, seeing there coming an opening between clouds, on a moist weather. 

But it depends on the wisdom of life of the one who thinks so. Without such wisdom it does not work as well. It seems to create possibilities for life running well. Such affects also the life of tge one who sees life around so: the wonder of being alive, of life around. "

From my blog

See my new book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" at 

Friday, March 6, 2020

Life according to feelings and peacefulness in the tough world

"Beautiful things in the tough world
If the world sometimes seems too tough to allow well beautiful things and peaceful life according to feelings, pay attention to structures, look so that you see at the same time both the concretical structure that is important from the point of view of tough realism and of how things work in practice, and at the same time see the finer structure of the things, their atmospheres too, so that you know what they are like for skills and for life. So you can choose goo´d structures and your choices are good for skills too and for living your life and for life in the society and in the world, anmd so you can choose accprding to feelings, live a life according to feelings at the excuse of havimng followed tough realism.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Like the trees

"In the center of Savonlinna there are big leaf trees by the road side, with a name that resembles the words "cow" and "mouse". I was today surprised to see on a bus stop, with the trees at the other side of the street further away as a background, a fat man that had an atmosphere very much like that tree species, If I understood right from his gesture language, he had (had?) cows and mice which he liked to keep like a horse shelter, and that was somewhat like the tree species.
Maybe because of him I was left pondering how to be like the white-trunked tree, and for my surprise I found an answer: look past that tree and the landscape becomes wiser, supported by the different types of wisdom, in other words a meter or two(?) past the person and add there for the younger ones all kinds of wisdom to support them, the different types of wisdom and civliced ways, then your own emphatizing atmosphere is like the hanging leafs of the tree, even musical, and your body when you have been engulfed by that thing to do is a little bit like a water colour painting as if there were bark and black and white colour, but I do not know if the colour went wrong, since the bark should have no black, but instead black is by the side of the bark where the life is in tree's opinion, in thoughts that is.
For to be pine like you have to look straight towards with the senses open and try with a good basic way of doing. To something you can to help others offer some little advice: like the branches of a big pine, but the advice a little bit like life happens to go, is natural and according to feelings for oneself and others: so are born curved branches,.
Somewhere behind me in the bus sat a journalist of the local newspaper and sounded like she knew how rto be social like leaf trees, and like young trees and quickly by the needle trees by the road side too, but I do not have that skill. It wa ssomething like, that impression is being social at a certain social distance from oneself and mentioning certain kinds of thing in certain amounts, and that connects with tree's age and species, to it's view to life. "

Friday, December 20, 2019

Wild birds can be very wise

My thinking course fits well together with wild animals' life in the nature, with trees, practical life with the senses open and moving in varied ways according to the situations, in a landscape of nature. Their lives give valuable practise inskills needed for such type of thinking.
If one uses a sports like way of seeing the body and actions, with social gesture langauge telling which skills and which areas of life are in use and how skilled one is in them and how much trustworthily. Then one can see the skills of all in the same kind of picture, with wider good quality perspective showing higher skills of the type of thinking and fitting into a society, and with spirit in it telling about the force in oneä's deeds. In that higher skill is the direction to correct towards if one wants to do well in life or get cured or get out of trouble or to get along or to be a valuable valued member of a society.
Wishing well in the world like the rule "Live and let others live" tells , like giving room to live in for each ok behaving individual who does not disturb others, room like for a tree in a park for it's branches to be sovereign, for it's life to be sovereign, if it does not disturb others.
Like this one can see that strongest one wins logic and wise ways fit into the same view of life, a view that can cure also human lives and be a tone of the animals' lives.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Links to my other texts

Living with the four seasons, the spring time and winter with short melodies

My translation of the beginning of the Finnish national ephos Kalevala t English in a way that ought to be independent of the climate

Healthy ways of living and doing & healthy spirit make life sing, keep one healthy and happy and make one grow in skills and are good for the society and the world

Skills of Christmas gnomes 1. Gnome like life in the modern world (Finland)
Skills of Christmas gnomes 2. Hero like skills
Skills of Christmas gnomes 3. Tale like fascination in everyday real life
Skills of Christmas gnomes 4. Oath like love

Skills of Christmas gnomes 5. Gnomes from the religious point of view 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 6. Some pieces of music  
 Skills of Christmas gnomes 7. Fracturelessness

The whole blog

(20.2.2021   As I put to the Christmas gnome skills text the search keyword "entertainment reading", I got an impression that readers think that that text resembles Rudyard Kipling's books, yet is of a clearly different type: fact text teaching skills, yet magnifient, and from a clearly different climate of the four seasons and lots of snow in the winter time.  )


You might be interested in reading the back cover texts of my books of the Christmas gnome/elf skills series, by clicking the headers at

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Quotations from my texts about contact with the nature

Nature protection abroad: build a better contact with the nature

" Visiting the Finnish nature
The Finnish nature is famous for it's unique fragile beauty. Also
Finland as a nation without much written history has it's roots in the
old forest dwellers who were mainly farmers and at earlier times
hunters. Most modern Finns spend a week or so of their summer holiday
on a summer cottage by a lake shore.
Finns have a different attitude toward nature than most foreigners,
because the nature here is very different from the nature say in
Central Europe, where the nature is mostly farms and gardens and parks
too. The Finnish nature is wild, not gardened, and it is praised for
it's beauty and peace, and it is scarce: there are not somany trees
and not so many dangerous animals. The maybe best way to learn to walk
in the forest is to visit a small forest patch in town or some well
kept recreation area, and pick some ordinary not-at-all-rare stone,
flowers, fallen branch, fallen autumn leaves or the like for home
decoration. If you mainly admire the nature for it's beauty, you will
walk in the forest much like the Finns do. Then you also notice where
you are going, which route you came and the like, so that you do not
get lost as easily. Finns value forests for their recreational value
and for their connection with the original ages old ways of living of
all humans close to the nature. Remember to wear warm clothes, not to
let them get wet and have extra clothes in case it gets cold. Take
always care that you know how to get away from the forest!

* * *

A quotation from my blog . Eino
Leino is a very famous old Finnish poet, writing about the beauty of
nature and the laws governing life, and about love etc

"About the possibilities of going to the nature in other countries
Finland is sparcely populated and there are lots of forests which one
can visit. And since we live in the north and the cool and cold
weathers prevent dangerous animals from living here, and since the
wolves and bears have been hunted to a small population, visiting
forests is safe. In other countires it is not the same in most, since
there is more population, less nature, more dangerous animals and no
custom of everybody visiting a forest. But if you are intriguided by
the idea of the beauty and peace of nature, it would be good to find a
way to enjoy them at least somewhat. Gardens, trees, parks, meadows,
sea and shores, even flowers on the window offer a touch with the
nature. So do scenic spots, views out of a bus window where there is
green, farming and nature reserves. In a way it does not matter how
big spot of nature you have, you could even enjoy trying an insect's
or bird's view of the near environment which is often beautiful and
magnifient. On the other hand, the more the environment allows you to
drown into enjoying the nature, without sight of build things or human
foot-print spoiled things, the more profound your experience of peace,
harmony, health and fracturelessness is, the more profound your touch
with the ages old healthy natural ways of living on all areas of life,
the more refreshing your experience is, the more it gives energy and
serves as a holiday.
Another question is safety. Generally there are three types of safe
places: ones with so many people that it has been taken care that
there is safe, ones with nobody and no dangerous animals either and
thirdly places which do not tend to have any danger. Parks have lotrs
of people, but odd times may be dangerous Places where people live but
where there are trees, for example on the sides of the roads and
yards, may have atranquil atmosphere, one of nature's peace and
harmony some time (in the summer time?) when it is daytime but a quiet
moment or a few quiet moments. Some scenic routes offer harmony and
beauty even if there go cars by quite often, if just the views are
with a fascination: there a tiny flower by the roadside, there the
shelter of trees, there a view over the shore to a lake, there a bench
with a view, shelter and a comfortable atrmosphere. One can also visit
forest patches that are not so much wandered on, if one goes to
different places, in different times, often with company and a car of
one's own. By the sides of garden area's roads there is often tall
grass with flowers, butterflies etc, a world of it's own, very summer
like, kind of an ideal of love. And even in the winter time there is
the weather, the feeling of the elements with trees living their ages
old way of life.

* * *
5. of July 2016
From th text about the seasons
"The beauty of nature is partly a question of a way of looking. One
should be interested in the multitude and richness of forms and
colours, of the atmosphere of plants' growth whne looked among other
things along the way they have grown, the magnifient moments of bird's
flight, treen looked from near, the nature from the point of view of
an insect or bird where even a small branch or grass can be biggest
factors of the living environment, the atmosphere of the time of tha
day with it's birdsong, light coming through the leaves to a mist, how
one always finds new variations slightly different details full of
feeling and atmospheric for example in pine's surface and it's thick
branches, in the beauty of a forest lanscape viá trees, the different
atmosphere of each type of lants etc."

Also safety when one happens to meet people in lonely places is
important. One question in it is paying attention to other people's
sense of space: what is their home, what near environment, which are
the common roads for all to travel, do they enjoy solitude or want to
exchange a couple of words about the beauty of nature, etc. Another
point in that is allowing people socially room to live in: plus
links from there."

* * *

Relationship to the nature is not just watching the nature. It has to
do with the sense of atmospheres: recognizing the time of the day from
how high the sun shines, recognizing the basic features of the nature
environment like "This is typical pine forest." or lake shore with
splashing waves, stony shore, tree branches by the shore. It also has
to do with understanding the basic actions of how animals live and
what is the style of the plant life, like an ant running, carrying,
meeting other ants, watching, etc. In this sense in these basic things
in life the nature offers fine forefigures in such basic skills, but
it has to be the nature of your own climate and culture and not some
too faraway place, even though one can learn something of such too,
like of arctic nature about staying warm. But relationship to the
nature also has to do with understanding nature's language: admiring
the magnifient beauty of the nature landscapes and other impressive
nature views, kind of absorbing what the nature is like, how high it's
skill in those basic things in life, what style it lives and how it
communicates to humans.

Birds are social and eager to take part in the life in the landscape
around them. They may nag or tsirp and their songs are said to be akin
to music, kind of original form of music and some birds sing with high
skill. But like wild animals at öarge, birds live their separate life
from humans, may build a nest, have offspring, live their lives in the
affairs of birds, kind of symphatic, kind of beautiful and fierce, a
refreshing element also in the town environment. A bird's flight is
often magnifient to look at. "

" Kalevala and skills, the aim of this translation
- February 28, 2018
Finns have wisdom that most other nationalities lack. Part of that
wisdom comes from reading Kalevala, but Kalevala is a difficult book
to translate. This wisdom comes from learning via close relationship
with the nature and living with the four seasons, in ever varying
weathers. There is wisdom that one can learn from the challenges of
one's life, wisdom about doing one's very best and learning new
skills, and getting strenght to other things done from what one has so
learned, so that it was not just one experience but way to learn for
all of one's life.Also when one encounters something concretical and
ages old, one can learn about the basic nature of humans, about the
wisdom encoded in our nature, about wise ways of living, about
profound ages old way to live and be social, kind of basic form of
life, something which is at the core of every human deed adn fate,
even in these modern times. So my intentipn has not been to translate
Kalevala as poems or fine words but only to translate some things of
what it teaches skills for life, wisdom about the human nature and
about ways to learn about life, about what is profound in the world.
But Kalevala is a long book and this is just a beginning of the ephos.

The Finnish relationship to the Finnish nature is essential in
understanding Kalevala. But of course foreigners seldom know the
Finnish nature. So I have tried to translate the nature contact in a
general level that would apply in other climates too, even if there
are less possibilites of wandering in the nature. It is a big problem
in Finland for foreigners that they tend to get a flu and it just
lasts and lasts and so they are just ill and dizzy and don't learn
anything much while in thius climate. So what they need to learn, they
ought to learn in their original climate, even if things there are
very different from Finland. The nature is of course different too,
but in this way of learning the point isn't mostly in what the animal
or plant does, except that it is ages old, but instead on it having a
varying rythm (courses twinding in a structured way), on it having
wisdom in it's ways of doing, in encoded in it's atmosphere, in it
touching our ages old nature. And on the other hand it learning,
especially at quite young age, about what it does also other skills
needed for life, like from watching beauty of nature one learns to
look at landscapes and observe a lot, understand life in the living
and gain wisdom of life.

* * *

My other texts offer suport for this endeavour: I have written about:
* living wisely the seasons
* healthy ways of living and doing
* learning thinking skills ,
* learning other skills
* working life and feelings
I have also translated some famous Finnish poems:

* * *

February 28th is the time of the year when winter skills are at their
highest, and so it is also Kalevala's day in Finland, day of the
Finnish culture.

* * *"

"Thursday, June 7, 2018
Weathers' charm
I do not know for sure how being with the weathers, their fascination
and the reaching for the skills they need, is taught. But maybe if one
as young or beginner would go out to look at some fascinating weather,
like storm coming or storm having just passed, and just look at the
magnifient clouds, sun shining somewhere through, feel the atmosphere
of the moment with someone who understand the charm of such and has
the skills of living such weathers, for example one's papa, and at the
same time another separate thing is to be prepared for the adjustemnts
between cold and hot, moisture level changing, rain coming, sun
passing through etc, which one can learn from wild birds which do well
and from the tree species orginally from the climate one is in. So
having trees and other nature at the spot is a good side.
Similarly one can later learn about the charm of milder weathers from
those who like them, enjoy them. This is one reason why it is good to
talk of the weather: to learn skills in living, to get advices from
those who like them, them telling what is it that charms then in mild
rain sun passing through etc.
But I think it is very climate dependent what weather one should start
from and which to emphasize to find a pleasant and healthy way of
living all the weathers and moments of the day. Often more sporty
moving is good for the cooler weathers and for varying weATHERS.

By the words of a traditional Russian song (In the forest not a leaf
moves) "Even if I would forget everything else, this charming moment I
would never forget."

* * *

6. September 2018   I am not sure of this, but my impression is that each weather, also in widely different climates, is best lived in a way which you find when you pay central attention to some fine whole of the nature, like an atmospheric branch in nature, that is especially spirited in it's view of how to live such wetaher and to which heights one's wisdom of life, skill, virtues of character and enjoyment of life could so rise,for example on some animal of the wilderness, and from siuch viewpoint pay attention to it's view on the ways of living: that is what is the way of living such wetahers and such temperatures, maybe such days, evenings, nights & mornings. Follow that advice and search for a new advice when the weather is clearly different."

Monday, October 16, 2017

About getting wiser

I translated some Eino Leino's poems to English, and later wrote also his:

"Learning wisdom
I started reading a book about the life of Eino Leino. In the very beginning there was a picture of his childhood home taken later when others lived there. In the front there was a boat, atmospheric and wise way of keeping the boat on the opposite whorel, like Eino Leino's poems, but the trees by the house looked yound and very straight, as if those who lived there nowadays wouldn't have had anything much nature's wisdom. So how to learn wisdom if one has kind of square starting point? I have written about learning intelligence in my Finnish blog and since it interests educators, it might have been translated to English at least partly. I have translated the core: the thinking course at and at my video channel there are on playlists (Increasing intelligence, and Rationality of feelings and instincts) quite many advices about learning intelligence. One could in addition read my e-book at the first text in my blog . After that one could repeat someof the advices about intelligence: practical things to do and nature increasing intelligence. Abotu moral I have written at . One could maybe read also with links."

 This is just a picture from my own window here in Savonlinna, in a group of apartment houses.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

Happiness, ways of doing and living environment

"A stick there catching fire
shines for a moment, gets extinguished in the river.
Love dies also sometimes too,
only a memory is left in life's handiwork."
says a song.
I was left pondering that experiencing so rtongly and wit so healthy spirit life is rich and happy, somehow full. But it has the work of a log floater on a river with the nature as it's environment, natural physical work, company, meaningfullness from the point of view of lives in practise, demanding skill but not with a forced rythm. Earlier I used to think that such is born only countryside or at a summer cottage, maybe wandering ina forest trip. But after I have moved to live in a counryside town, I have gotten the impression that a farmer is somehow melancholic and in town it is somehow full, the antuer too present and practical professions as people's jobs. Could it be that one cannot reach the ideal fully countryside but somewhere where there is both nature and humand and lots of things to do? It is important for the things done to have anatural rythm and such asks for both a natural work and possibilities for choices. The feeling of fullness connects with fractureless wholes and to being according to the human nature, which demands among other tyings action with healthy spirit, meaningful things to do for each one inone's own ways, not acting one's way but isntead in ways that work out well for oneself, according to one's motivation and one's dreams, in ways that one likes and not for acting out. It is essential to reach the phenomena in life in their natural basic form that touches the human nature, but it maybe isn't when driving a tractor but instead in cooperation work of a group, by grandparents, on a summer cottage, on a wooden one-family house, in hobbies, in connection with motiuon and nature. A pet seems tocultivate these like a collector, a wild animal finds them fromone's own life inpractise. It has often been nice in work if one does in practise something nice and then work or civilized ways or some other outside factor like for example summer or nature or the good feeling brought by motion and healthy ways of living fills them to a whole somehow finely. And that life or that day is not left there but continues onwards like a twinding path, the view is not restricted but instead possibilities in life increase and skills to a lot. But that it would demand more people, more things to do, nature, motion, meaningfullness.

On a summer cottage the things done are often more pleasant than in town. If one for example brushes the cottage's floor to smallen the numder of pine needles on the ground there, the needless are beautiful, varied, quite unlike town's trashes and dirt. But I used to have a floor with a beautifult hin woolen layer of pine on top of itin town, and it wa sreally impressive looking, and it was nice to brush and keep clean, not at all as work like as cleaning a plastic floor. Are many things in town, like cleaning for example, adjusted wrong way so that they are a burden upon people. If one would adjust some other way, for example the putting thinsg nicely at home, and some things in the environemnt like a beautiful wooden floor, pleasantly, would things in towns be lighter to bear and life better? What one should change and how? Is it a question of the place one lives in? Here in Savonlinna town people know practical things well and fine style well, but in teh capital people were better with healthy ways of living and freedom."

A translation from my blog

Buddhist enlightenment via European eyes

"In Buddhism people search for lasting happiness and masterful skill from widening one's awareness. Better observation ability is clearly beneficial for skills, especially when it is with wisdom of life. The senses and the healthy basic current of life, healthy ages old ways of living followed with healthy spirit bring happiness. That is not the style of how asians describe enlightened ones, but it seems to be the healthy basic current of especially Finnish life from which the happiness of enlightened ones too comes from. Some part of the happiness of an enlightened one comes from him/her thinking in civilized ways and with wisdom, where the style does not copy from criminals, army like style, boys, miltary service men, people too proud of their work, people wishing for unhealthily much position or even the ordinary style of civilized thought, but - not acting but across time via better quality - the characteristics recommended by religions, which also some parts of arts seek to communicate. So some part of happiness is not being stuck in failures and poor approaches but instead uses civilized wisdom and instead of grasping without proper reasons, one wi´th a wide, natural, compassionate, with wisdom of life, sensitive, with healthy spirit, emphasizing ages old features and building based on the human nature, with such attention and by taking part in the flow of life, with the skill of compassion and taking part in life as one among many one is compassionate with happenings, motivation, well functuioning, living together in harmony, the functioning of a society, humans' ages old nature and with beautiful values and ideals etc ."

Translation from my blog

Better movements for cows

(I am from town but) When I trained my dogs for circus (, I learned that things like style are best taught very freely, like letting an insect or a bird fly to air from one's palm, like a miracle, fracturelessly. Give the animal an idea, for example that the atmosphere of pine branches teachins good basic mood for for example moving and for skills at large, and let the animal move freely, insightfully, free and relaxed like one on a holiday, to follow the idea just so long as it naturally does, or however it wanders like an escaped air balloon, completely on it's own ways, in it's own rythms and own times, it's natural routes. One can praise it in the beginning or in the middle (later too if one does not command but just is friendly and keeps company) and maybe give a new idea: the cow can herself with her skills, with her insight lift the skill level which is along the atmosphere of meadow flowers, propably cows knwo based on such, and they are summer like and nice and cows propably are interested in them and that is why cows propably know better thinsg connected with them. So the basic skill level is from teh green parts of pine's branches and in addition there is higher skill level's harmony's, finetunedness's and feelings' characteristics of rising effect on skills via the insight brought by meadow flowers."

In addition read the texts "Birds aflame" and "Indian horse from Finland" earlier in this blog.

Translated from my blog

American indian horse from Finland in North-East Europe

"This is a some kind of clishee of the harmonious cooperation of a horse and a rider. I cannot resist teh temptation of trying if I could get it to work, taught to those who like horses. Here are only elements from which to build it.
The child sits toos tiffly in the saddle, because she herself is commanded with too much valuing of school. One should allow free time and doing things in one's own ways and listeening to feelings and sensations, room for them. One can learn sports talents from my advices at and .
In life one should pay attention to how moods and ways of doing affect how well things done go. And to what kind of things one can build upon good well working ways to do and good moods. Then when one rides one should give room for both oneself and for horse's movements from the point of view of sportiness and for it's good ways of doing and positive moods in connection with riding, and in cooperation attention and room for social sensations, and in one's own movements for experiencing strngly the senses and for good ways of doing.
The horse communicates largely via gesture language, for example thoughts via facial expressions and with one's being, which one can understand via the sense of atmospheres like a piece of art that changes from moment to moment. Usually animals communicate by ways of doing and by intervals of ways of life, and the one talking with an animal should ponder what do I notice clearly with this way of doing that the animal was just using, by living and doing with this way of living, what does come to my mind using those. That is the message of the animal. Then when doing so and living so one should allow room for variations in ways of doing and in styles and ways of living: use them when they seem good for some use or when it is nice to morally try them in something, especially if a friendly animal has just used them. So one learns a lot  of new things and the communication with the horse one rides rises to a new level."

Translated from my blog

About kalevala

"I bought Kalevala as a book to myself and read some of the beginning. In the competition singing of Väinämöinen and Joukahainen I was surprised to notice that Joukahainen did not lack skills so much, but instead Väinämöinen sang him to be things like the glow of the nature, to the marks of great skill in the nature.
   "Hat from the head of the man he sang
   to be an erect front edge of a cloud;
   he sang mittens from his hands
   to be leaves on the cover of pond's water,
   from that misty blue
   to be clouds in the sky,
   from his belt a fascination of a new wife
   to be stars scattered in the sky."
So I was left to ponder, if I as a girl thought when reading kalevala that that is what can happen with great skill: one loses position, propably via losing communication connection when one no longer speaks the language of men with more soldier like style. That I would take care to not to fall myself into that pitfall. But at the same time I thought that I could nearly reach that high, to that style in achievements. Now I think that it is like having met a bird: with it's song it makes forests beautifult o wander in, green, there is much soldier like wisdom in it's voice. 
 But so, how did I think I could reach so high skill and quality of life, like the reddish glow of the grassas in a forest etc. One would have a healthy way fo living or a healthy touch of one's own which would cure the way of life healthy again, to ages old. In every thing one would see the parts of healthy way of life which are as an idea in it, and so the deed when sees alike as others' deeds would be healthy on one's own and on others too, and so one could continue with healthy psirit from that, each one, whole society, and partly the rest of the world lear from it. ( World is of love (a mechanical model) ) ( )
One would have skills of one's own, one would have found one's own roads in life, it would be good to be an individual, personality, like oneself and strong, enjoying being an individual. And so human relationships would be in a way clishee like and in a way with a healthy spirit: one would have the strenght to have an opinion, do meaningful things, carried by the values of the society, things with healthy psirit carried by the actions and values of the society which have healthy spirit which would have strenght and content to life.
And one could get strenght, skills and integrite with opinions from being soldier like: to defend something, to invest in healthy courses, copying fro little singin birds and fromother strong wild animal persons ( ). One would be healthily spoirty, doing things at the practical level, with a good understanding achieved via adfmiring the nature and feeling via beautiful values, caring for the world, approaching life with feelings, motivated to the sphere of life and missions of the traditional way of life, with feelings and with a good understanding, reaching parts of the forefigures in nature of their skill level every now and then. (In Finnish )

My old video: if you can imagine a skill livelily, you can learn it

How young birds learn to fly

"A young birds which already has good wings, learns best to fly if it looks at a tree instead of build things, when it thinks of flying. Looking at build things makes one feel not skilled enough and brings only a little skills. While admiring the fascination of a tree opens one's view to complex, wise, ages old, atmospheric fascinating, a path of superior skill. Looking at several trees at the same time does not bring it, not so strongly at least, instead one should conceive the cahrm of a single tree, that richness, that way of life that the tree guides to. Often it is just one magnifient branch at a time or the throwing of the top into the sky which guides to joyful action, which already has a sparkle of superior skill. Like  this a young bird can already at one's first flight, fly to a branch of a neighbouring tree, from there to another branch and then back to nest, and is so in a way already fully learned, says little bird mother.
The usefulness of a tree for skills comes from it being complex, from the cisual and atmospheric beauty which presses the picture into the mind, makes it a model of skill and ways of doing. A tree is a model of a healthy whole, it is such for birds, buzzling insects and humans. The young birds which looked at a tree when they thought of flying, fly emotionally beautifully, like skills were easy for them and life flowing, protected by wisdom. Likewise I think that human skills benefit from learning the atmospheric beauty of trees, one grows from engineering knowledge to ordinary skills and common sense, from them to skillfullness, to the ages old soldier's superior skills and to art: to the natural language of the elements of bigger skills.

(Could growing feathers connect to, in addition to skills, also protecting oneself well, somehow like music?)"

Translation from my blog

Which trees, bushes and plants to leave when cutting trees

"Cut down with an axe or flourishing, about cutting trees, building etc
I was reading Gary Snyder's poetry book Turtle Island and it has also a poem of burning undergrowth where trees have been cut: It says that indians used to burn bushes each year but the fire did not reach the treetops. In such fires lots of insects die, propably bird nests too and maybe mice etc, at least they lose their homes and lots of undergrowth dies. Is defending such fires like the deeds of academical people often are: One's lack of skills leaves some essential big part without protection, or many such big sreas, and on the other hand some single things and meaningfulnesses get cultivated. It has some of the mentality of cutting down all the trees on some area: a single theoretical perspective walked over a fine forest patch. In choices one would need more skill and more skills in balancing, and more understanding of the effects of one's own approach, for example about the effects of tiredness.
A success is something like that now I cultivate this which I know to be ages old good things, I cultivate something with lots of strenght to live, something unified and fractureless, something strong in itself, something which carries things to well, something that renews itself, grows new life.
It does not come from coming with a square head,kind of saying aha, such and such was meant to be made here, so I will do such.  Instead one needs to be aware of one's approach. The forest patch and it's edges, single seed trees and lush beautiful trees or bushes form an whole that curves like a path, and which brings different things to mind when one looks at it's different parts. If I will leave this group of young trees and plants here, will it bring a fractureless, pleasant atmosphere into the area. If I will leave that young tree at the edge uncut, will it suggest that I will then leave to the edge, twinding like a path, some other young trees or nicely fitting together other trees or plants. When I walk here now, on a good luck day of mine, as fractureless, does there lift to my mind a picture of a beautiful landscape: some big trees, some bush like smaller trees or a group of plants, landforms curving like a twinding path fascinatingly, what would be a nice landscape, good to wander in, made witha good understanding, good for life and for animals, growing trees and the like?"

Translation from my blog

Birds aflame

"I was readong the book "Suomen myyttiset linnut" = "Finland's mythical birds" and it had lots of information from Kalevala. Of the eagle it said that it is a bird of fire and that fires have been burned on holy days in connection with that. But the picture of an eagle next to that wasn't like in fire but more like bored. Sometimes when a little bird flies, it looks as if it sprks fire: at the same time uncontrollably playfully flying around and flying freely, just for a small while trying out something, playful, living it's daily life and friendlily social, understanding that the tough world with the seasons is it'sliving environment. Human's actions have the same when oen sometimes for the sake of trying does something sporty, that Hi, I'm like this too, and can this too, a second or a few seconds, just a glimpse somewhere, like the blink of an eye, some kind of spark of skill and character, with more profound wisdom in just the fact that onedoes for a moment only, without exhausting, according to one's emotional motivation, understands about bigger capacity. catches fire.
To burn is a different thing. I guess it connects with an eagle sitting on a curved branch of a pine and eats fish from the lake or from the sea, that it has itself naturally hunted, there is the flash of the fish's movement, the reddish colour of the pine branch, as a model the emotionality of the curve of the pine branch, the warmth of a cliff under one's bare feet in the summer, the flames in a fire ina fireplace, frying the a fish that one has caught oneself, evening sun, the lake and bird's sounds, quietening calming lake view, the fullness of summer. Each time that one does something, one ought to have both a natural thing to do and an approach that is not stuck to habits, that does not exhaust things, that is born naturally from the situation in the moment as a new idea, way of doing, mood, idea of what one does and how, a flowing rythm of doing like when carving a small branch according to the colours of the branch, it's forms etc, and accordingt o how one gets tired, has mom cooked somethig, what are the others doing, when does action stop changing naturally to the next one, and when is thing done full like a caught fish, or a nest box for birds to live in, clothes washed ready for use.

Whta we usually understand to be wisdom, art and religion, maybe civilized books, isn't feeling as such, especially not as only memorized, but it is a protection in life for being feeling, is like a piece of advice under the roof of which it is good to live as a feeling being, to fit together the demands of the world and one's own wishes in life, one's daily life and needs. The rof is just knowledge and communication. Life is in the living, in practical things to do, in growing, in concretical things."

Translated from my blog

Singing spring

"Song inspired by the moment's atmosphere
Now that trees and bushes are getting their leaves, instead of Eurovision song contest, I feel that the nature would somehow long for humans too to sing, maybe like this, a little bit like on the summer cottage or an freely organized choir or singing at home, like feels to suit the moment.
29.4.2017 A singing skill from a few years ago came to my mind today morning, when grass was most places already green, sun was shining, birds sang and the green plants on my window created a feel of green, there was like the summer time a haze like atmosphere in the air. So with that atmosphere came to my mind a tune that I roughly knew, or something in the direction, so I sang it in a way that emphasized the fascination of the atmosphere, like doves or yodling(?) of the Alps or composing, creating sound like the atmosphere, not according to rigid forms but singing especially the parts that are musical, emphasizing the atmoshphere tones, like assembling from pieces of different strenght, somehow a very natural song and atmospheric, a little bit like what a composer seeks for with his/her tune: a moment with such an atmosphere but richer one, and then singing it naturally, not la-la-laa or the like as if from notes but instead from the places that the atmosphere touches oneself, one is fascinated by such an experience, but somehow on a general level and not a murmur of personal life.
This singing skill comes from trying to learn wider expression to be able to sing emotionally like this or a song like that or with a clear atmosphere, impressively or whatever, many kinds of colours in voice, many ways to approach song as one oneself is naturally, since there are moments in life, spirits and many different songs. So when one then picks from that spectrum according to the moment, but somewhat like song being partly carried away by the wind, not of even strenght, one manages to describe the atmosphere tones of the moment, not only in tones of voice but also with singing skills, somehow naturally.

9.5.2017   Is singing spring one big idea in having Eurovisionsong contest in the spring? Here one could learn that skill of singing spring. It is good to have skilled models, but everybody singing sring in their own circles is the point.
I have written about living wisely the seasons in Finland (fromover +30C summer time hot days to some -30C winter timeä's coldest mornings) at

(19.6.2017   When I was younger, someone was said to have claimed that if Finns would agree, Eurovision song contest victory would always come to Finland, or at least Eurovision song contest would be always kept in Finland if Finns would agree, but Finns typically think that it would be good to keep Eurovision song contest in varying countries. We Finns have a culture which values greatly healthy natural ages old ways of living and has wisdom about them and a traditional culture that lays much weight on them. Such ways of living make life sing, musical in atmosphere tones and feelings. I wrote some 260 advices about healthy natural ways of living (in Finnish ) and translated this far some 110 of them to English . Aren't these much a reason to keep Eurovision song contests in Finland?But would Finns then want to have also a "World Vision Song Fair" or something like that? A deeply moral, globally conscious one, I mean. But would it bring too many travellers? In Finland it is difficult to copy spring time things from warmer countries, but life in cold is tougher, so it demands more skills and makes propably things easier for foreigners watching it in tv.
But there have been problems with the Eurovision representative competition in Finland, but are those a consequence of alowing Swedish style, for example Swedish speaking Finnish style and their lack of moral, instead of demanding the song to be Finnish that means Finnish speaking Finnish main culture of Finland.)"

A quotation of a translation in my Finnish blog

My books

 29th of July 2024   Build yourself a paradise, a paradise like way of life, paradise theory and wisdom of life, lots of free advices, rewar...